Inside Nicki Minaj's Relationship With Her Late Father Robert Maraj

Nicki Minaj has talked about her father and posted pictures with him on social media (via TMZ). It appears that the rapper has made peace with her dad, after years of his addiction and abuse. But Minaj has been vocal about the fact that her mother Carole Maraj is the parent who held the family together, and she wanted to take care of her mom.

In a 2010 interview with Rolling Stone, Minaj said, "When I first came to America, I would go in my room and kneel down at the foot of my bed and pray that God would make me rich so that I could take care of my mother. Because I always felt like if I took care of my mother, my mother wouldn't have to stay with my father, and he was the one at the time, that was bringing us pain. We didn't want him around at all, and so I always felt like being rich would cure everything, and that was always what drove me."

In 2014, The Mirror reported on an incident when Robert Maraj allegedly set fire to the family home while Minaj's mother was inside. Based on these details, Robert's relationship with his family was far from an easy one.
