Why Fans Are Fuming Over Diane Sawyer

After hearing the former first lady of Maryland's comments, Britney Spears looked visibly distressed and called it "horrible." But Diana Sawyer showed no sympathy and responded by saying Spears was a bad influence who "disappointed a lot of mothers," per The Sun. The former first lady's comments (made at a domestic violence function of all places) incensed Spears fans on Twitter. Fans wrote that Sawyer should be "ashamed" of herself for defending such comments and demand that she publicly apologize to the singer for the interview as a whole. 

One person wrote, "Diane Sawyer asked Britney Spears what she did to cause Justin pain, then told her the Governor of Maryland's wife wanted to shoot her, implying it's Britney's fault because she's a bad role model to kids. I don't care how long has passed-Diane Sawyer should be ashamed of herself." While another said: "I think the most surprising moments for me in the Britney doc were the Diane Sawyer interview, and finding out that a politician's wife publicly said she would 'shoot Britney Spears if she could' for her crime of....having a visible belly button?"

Aside from fans, celebrities have also called out Diane Sawyer's early interviewing techniques — sparking a debate about the poor media treatment young women faced in the early aughts.
