Who We Think Jason Momoa Should Date Next

Jason Momoa and Sylvia Hoeks (pictured, far right) co-starred in the 2019 Apple TV drama series "See," a sci-fi production that chronicles a post-apocalyptic experience where everyone has lost their sight. Momoa, who plays the character Baba Voss, is at odds with Hoeks' onscreen persona, Queen Kane. But offscreen, it's pretty evident how much Hoeks admires Momoa. In a 2019 interview with Collider, she wanted to stress how intense the series was: When the interviewer noted that it was "not some lighthearted, PG-13 show," Hoeks confirmed, "Exactly. When you see Jason fighting ... the fights are very real. And my praying to God is very real."

Prior to her starring on "See," Hoeks spoke with Men's Journal about some of her favorite things. When asked about "what makes a man sexy in [her] eyes," Hoeks said, "Self-humor — don't take yourself too seriously. If a man's able to laugh about himself, that's good. You can be in love with a man, or share his bed, but if there's no humor, there's nothing." When asked about her favorite pickup lines, she admitted, "No pickup lines! They're the worst. But I love jokes. In a group, I feel like one of the guys. I'm very comfortable with men — they're freer and a lot of fun!"

In the same interview, Hoeks also spoke about starring in "Blade Runner 2049" and how she worked out for "six hours a day, six days a week, for three months before and six months during shooting." Clearly, she and action star Momoa could crush it together.
