- BobHorvath, Rapp Collins

Bob Horvath

Horvath: "Effective management is primarily about empowering people to do their best work."


Book: Magazines -- Creativity, Advertising Age, Adweek, DM News and Direct
Newspaper: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal
Web site: Yahoo Finance,
Blackberry and I love my DIRECTV
Plane ticket: Plenty! From my New York City office to Rapp Collins' offices in Dallas and LA... and for sure to my clients across the country.

Global Office talks to Bob Horvath, the president of New York marketing agency Rapp Collins Worldwide.

Global Office: What are you reading?

Bob Horvath: The Last Season by Phil Jackson

GO: Who's been your biggest influence?

BH: My Father. He told me early on to work hard but enjoy myself and never get sick over trying to succeed.

GO: What's your biggest mistake?

BH: Most of my mistakes result from my impatience to move swiftly forward. I'm still an engine, but I've learned to surround myself with high-octane leaders.

GO: Is management an art or a science?

BH: Experience has taught me that -- while good management requires the search for creative solutions inherent in art, as well as the establishment of repeatable/verifiable processes akin to the scientific method -- in the marketing services industry, effective management is primarily about empowering people to do their best work.

GO: What do you reach for on your desk when the fire alarm goes off?

BH: My laptop, my cell phone and whatever else helps me stay connected to my team and my clients.

-- Robert G. Horvath studied accounting at Hofstra University before launching his business consulting career at Arthur Andersen & Co. He served as Rapp Collins' chief financial officer for eight years before becoming president of the company.
